EU Blue Card – The Pathway to Europe

The EU Blue Card is one of the highly rated work and residence permits granted to non-European Union nationals. It merely avails an easier passage for skilled professionals to stay and work in Europe, though with many benefits or opportunities being proffered. This blog will elaborate on the EU Blue Card, it is applicability, procedure, and benefits.

What is meant by the term EU Blue Card?

The EU Blue card is meant as a residence permit that is issued to service qualified foreign nationals from non-member states of the EU for the betterment of working in any EU country. It allows qualified professionals to enter the EU, simplifies admission procedures and enhances the status of those already admitted in the EU. The card allows the holder to easily enter, re-enter and stay in the issuing country by virtue of employment. Those family members of a Blue card holder can stay with the holder and can enjoy free movement in the EU.

Eligibility conditions for the EU Blue Card

The following conditions must be met to obtain the EU Blue Card:

Work Contract: A valid work contract or a binding job offer, which has to be at least one year long, from an employer in an EU member state.

Salary: The remuneration shall, at the very least, be one and a half times higher than the average gross annual salary paid in the member state.

Qualification: Evidence of higher professional qualifications, normally attested by a university degree. Where justified by substantial professional experience, lower qualifications may also be accepted.

Health Insurance: Proof of health insurance for the applicant and his family members, if any.

How to Obtain an EU Blue Card

Employment contract: Evidence of a labor contract or a binding job offer for highly qualified employment of at least one year in duration.

Documentation: Gather your documents—passport, job contract, proof of qualifications, and health insurance.

File Application: Submit the application for EU Blue Card in the competent immigration authority in the respective host country.

Duration: Time for making the respective application is different based on the respective host country. In general, it may take about 90-120 days.

Receive Blue Card: If it is found positive, the Blue card is issued and awarded for a maximum period of four years. The card is renewable.

Success enjoys the benefits of an EU Blue Card:

Equal working conditions: Blue Card holders should receive the same working and salary conditions as nationals of that country.

Freedom of movement: A visa for free travel and movement within the Schengen Zone without the trifles of borders gives way to movement through Europe.

Socio-Economic Rights: The holders will have access to social entitlements ensured education and health care.

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